Wrap-Around Childcare and Holiday Clubs


Ladybird Playgroup is an on-site, independent playgroup. Please visit www.ladybirdpreschools.co.uk for further information.

Breakfast Club

Ladybird Playgroup offer a Breakfast Club for the children of Archibald. Please visit http://www.ladybirdpreschools.co.uk/ for further details.

After School

There is on-site, out-of-hours childcare which is available after school (3.15 pm – 5.30 pm) – this is an independently run organisation.  Please contact Mrs. Vent at Schools Out Childcare for more information on 07899 755 822 or email on schoolsoutgosforth@gmail.com. You can also visit their website www.schoolsout.org.uk

After School

School also works with the off-site provider, Captain Ted’s After School Club. More information can be found here  https://www.captainteds.co.uk/afterschoolclub.

Holiday Clubs

Ladybird Childcare please visit: www.ladybirdholidayclub.com

Lee Sterry Coaching please visit: https://ls-sports-coaching.class4kids.co.uk/

Captain Ted’s please visit: https://www.captainteds.co.uk