Year 2 – Week 2: Our History Mystery!


Hello Year 2! We hope you have all had another lovely week and are ready for this weeks challenges!
As more and more of you are going back to school we have decided to change the format of the blog from this point forward. We will be presenting your home learning activities in days rather than in subjects like we have in the past. Each day on the blog will mirror a day in school for those children who are attending. We have decided to do this to ensure that the learning completed at school is as closely matched with the learning opportunities at home as they can be. We hope you like this new format! We have also attached worksheets that you can download for most lessons. We are aware some of you may not have access to a printer but seeing the sheet may help you to visualise what we have in mind.
This week we start our new topic beginning with our History Mystery! We hope you enjoy it!
Have a great week everyone and remember to share your work on our Facebook page, on Twitter or email it to us via!

Marvellous Monday

This week we will be building on our SPAG lesson from last week and looking at using the 4 different sentence types (statement, command, question and exclamation) in a longer piece of writing. To inspire our writing we are going to be using a short film called ‘The Present’

Some of you may have seen this film before and that is OK but we ask if for today’s lesson you only watch to 2 mins and 40 seconds.

This film is about a boy who receives a gift from his mum. As you are watching this clip we would like you to think about the words you would use to describe the boy. Is he kind, caring, selfish, cold-hearted, generous? What words would you use to describe him?

Here is a link to the video. Remember to stop at 2 minutes and 40 seconds or when the dog drops the ball at the boy’s feet after he has been in the box.

How do you feel towards the boy now that you have watched part of this clip? Did he seem grateful for the present? Did he seem to like the dog? He did at first so what changed?
Today’s worksheet has two parts:
1. Firstly, we would like you to create a mind map of all of the words and phrases that you can think of to describe the boy. Use lots of adjectives in this section!
2. Secondly, we would like you to use the 4 sentence types (statement, command, question and exclamation) that we learnt last week to write sentences as if you are addressing (or talking to) the boy. An example of a question addressing the boy might be; How could you be so unkind?

If you need a reminder on the 4 sentence types then
below is a link to BBC Bitesize that has an explanation of each sentence types along with videos, games and activities to help you remember each one.
For the game you need to click on the ‘sentence’ tab to access the correct challenge.

Here is today’s Literacy worksheet:

In numeracy this week we will be focusing on fractions. We will provide the links to the White Rose videos and worksheets each day along with an extra challenge which may focus on another area of mathematics.
Lesson 1 – Unit Fractions
A unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator (the number at the top of the fraction) 1.
In year 2 the unit fractions that children need to know are 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4. Children need to be able to find unit fractions of shapes, numbers and amounts.

Here is a link to the White Rose videos (the link is to all 4 lessons, Monday’s lesson is lesson 1 – Unit Fractions)
And here is the worksheet to go along side the video.

Numeracy Challenge
If you count in steps of 1/2 from 0 how many steps will it take to reach:
2, 4, 6 or 8
What do you notice?
Can you continue the pattern?
1/3 of 3 =
1/3 of 6 =
1/3 of 9 =
Continue the pattern
Explain what you notice

In year 2 children should be able to spell all of the common exception words correctly. Each Monday we would like you to practise the common exception words with your children. This can be in the form of a spelling test, they could make a poster, they could use them in sentences, write in coloured pencils, write them in unusual ways using bubble writing etc. Get creative and have fun with it!
Here is a set of the year 2 common exception words:

Our History Mystery: This week your teachers have been left some surprise items at their houses.
What might these clues be trying to tell us? When might we be learning about? Or perhaps who or what? Do the objects and pictures link in anyway? How? You will have to use lots of inference skills to solve this half terms History Mystery!
Note: *Spoilers if you scroll ahead*

Here is a History Mystery Sheet for you to record your predictions:

Were you right? Watch the video below to find out more!

Yes, that’s right; this half term we will be learning all about
The Great Fire of London that happened in 1666.
We would like you to become a hardworking historian and find out as much as you possibly can about this very significant event and why we still remember it over 350 years later.
During the coming weeks and as you learn more about the Great Fire of London we would like you to complete a waterfall booklet of key information. You completed one of these booklets for both our Titanic and our Romans topics but here is what they look like for your grown ups:

and here is the waterfall booklet to printout and fill in or you can get creative and make your own:

Discussion point; What makes an event significant? This half term we are learning about significant events outside of living memory, what do you think this means? Is outside of living memory the same for you as it is for your parents? Your grandparents? Is there anyone alive today who can remember the Great Fire of London? If not, how do we know so much about it?

Terrific Tuesday

Thinking about yesterday’s lesson and the main character in ‘The Present’ story we are going to ask you to plan a letter that you will be writing to the boy tomorrow. Your letter will need to show how angry you feel towards the boy and his behaviour towards the dog. In the letter we would like you to include all 4 sentence types but for your plan today you just need to get all of your good ideas down. This will help you to organise your writing into sections or paragraphs tomorrow.
You are going to plan 4 sections;
1.WHY you are writing the letter
2. WHAT the boy did wrong
3. HOW the boy could change his behaviour
4. A good ending to your letter (this could be about treating everyone with respect or caring for a pet)

Here is your planning sheet:

Lesson 2 – Non-unit Fractions
A non-unit fraction is a fraction where the numerator (the number at the top of the fraction) something other than 1.
In year 2 the non-unit fractions that children need to know are 2/4, 3/4, 4/4, 2/3 and 3/3. Children need to be able to find non-unit fractions of shapes. Some children may begin to find non-unit fractions of numbers and amounts.
Here is a link to the White Rose videos (the link is to all 4 lessons, Monday’s lesson is lesson 2 – Non-unit Fractions)
And here is the worksheet to go along side

Numeracy Challenge

Now try these word problems:
1. Jo bought a bag of cherries
Jo ate half the number of cherries in the bag
Jo had 7 cherries left. How many did Jo buy?

2. Sam bought a bag of cherries
Sam ate 9 cherries and had 3 left over
What fraction of the bag of cherries did Sam eat?

Listening to each other is very important; it helps you learn, it helps show people you care and that you want to find out more about them. We would like you to carry out this listening experiment with somebody in your household.
Both yourself and your partner will need a sheet of paper and a pencil. You must face away from one another. One person is to start drawing a picture, explaining to their partner what they are drawing at each step, whilst the other tries to draw along by following the instructions.
Can you both communicate effectively and listen to one another and see if you can complete the same drawing?
You could then swap roles! Good luck!

Today we are going to find out more about what happened on each day of the fire. The fire blazed on for over 4 days.
Here is a video to give you more information about what happened.

Now that you have learnt a bit more can you fill in any other sections of your waterfall booklet? Are there any facts that you would like to add to the fact catch part on the last page?

We now have a game for you to play to help you learn about what happened on each day:

Now that you have learnt a lot more about the fire see if you can complete this time line challenge and use the information to fill in more of your waterfall booklet.

Wonderful Wednesday

Today you will be writing your letter to the boy in ‘The Present’ telling him how disappointed you are with his behaviour, why it was wrong and what he could do to change his ways. Using your plan from yesterday, you now need to add more ideas and remember to include all 4 sentence types. You will always have more statements than anything else but try to add in at least one or two questions, commands and exclamations, more if you can.
You are writing the letter to the boy (you can choose his name) from yourself so the letter will be written in FIRST person. Remember to also include lots of adjectives and try to sound angry!

Here is a copy of your success criteria and a sheet for you to write your letter on. Remember to organise it into sections or paragraphs by following your plan from yesterday.

Lesson 3 – finding half
This lesson recaps and builds upon the learning that children completed in year 1. Children need to be able to show 1/2 of shapes such as rectangles in lots of different ways and also need to know that 2/4 =1/2.

Here is a link to the White Rose videos (the link is to all 4 lessons, Monday’s lesson is lesson 3 – Finding Half)
And here is the worksheet to go along side the video.

Numeracy Challenge
Look at these pictures below:

Are they showing 1/2 or not a half?
How do you know? How could you prove it?
What about these ones?

These picture show that we can half a square in many different ways. The important thing to remember is that the same amount is shaded each time.

How many different ways can you show 1/2 of a shape?
Use the sheet below to colour in the rectangles show 1/2 each time. Try to find as many different ways of shading one half as you can.

Watch this video about getting along and working together:

The bridge is too narrow for the animals to pass. If they worked together they could get past but the bear and the elk are too stubborn and mean to help each other and they fall into the abyss. The rabbit and raccoon work together and go on their way.

What is this video telling us? Could you work together with someone in your house, such as a sibling or a grown up, to complete an activity. This might be building a model, creating some art work, or helping with a job around the house.

Self Portraits
This week we will look at self portraits. A self portrait is a drawing the you have completed of yourself. They are quite tricky do so we are going to start with a half self portrait

Ask a member of your family to take a photo of you then cut it in half and stick one half to piece of paper (or crop the image in half and print it out). See if you can sketch the missing half of your photo-you will also be doing a little maths as you explore symmetry! Pay attention to detail such as your skin tone and hair colour. Look at the lines on your face and make sure you match up your eyes nose and mouth. You want your self portrait to look as realistic as possible!

The children who are in school have been working in bubbles, also known as ‘kingdoms’.
A dragon will be the mascot for Year 2’s kingdom thanks to a super suggestion by William J. In school the children will be making their own model dragon.
At home could you think of what your dragon mascot might look like. Can you design it?
Can you make one? Can you make their jaw open and shut? Perhaps you will add fire? What will make your dragon unique?
Think of some of the skills you used last week to make your worry monster, could you use them again this week?

Thinking Thursday

Now that you have written your letter go back and watch the film again, this time all the way to the end. Does anything surprise you about how the story ends? Have your feelings towards the boy changed?
We all do things that we regret when we are feeling sad, scared, embarrassed, angry or upset. Do you think a feeling like this made the boy act in a way that he shouldn’t?
The final challenge for literacy this week is to think about how the boy is feeling throughout the story. Good authors and filmmakers want their audiences to connect with the main characters so they make sure the main characters feelings are really obvious throughout the story. Main characters often go on a journey. What do you think the boys journey was?

We would like you to complete an ’emotions chart’ following the boys journey throughout the story. On the final sheet their are several pictures of the boy from different parts of the story. How do you think the boy is feeling at each stage? What words could you use to describe his emotions? Can you also explain WHY he is feeling like this?

Here is your emotions chart:

Lesson 4 – Finding a quarter
Once children are confident with finding 1/2 of objects, shapes, numbers and amounts they are taught to find 1/4 by halving and halving again.
Here is a link to the White Rose videos (the link is to all 4 lessons, Monday’s lesson is lesson 4 – Finding a Quarter)
And here is the worksheet to go along side the video.

Numeracy Challenges

Jane says that the picture below does not show a half because there are 3 pieces, not two.
Do you agree with Jane?

Explain your reasoning

What fraction is the red part of the whole circle?

Explain your reasoning.

While We Can’t Hug
It is such an unusual, scary time for so many people right now and it is completely normal and OK if you are feeling a little bit unsure, worried or strange inside.
We all have people who we love and miss, people who we wish we could give a hug to and friends who we wish we could play next too.
Whilst we can’t hug we would like to help you think of ways that you can still show people you love them, care about them or miss them.
This video might give you some ideas:

To help you in this strange time lets have a think about how we might hug somebody from a far. Could you write them a letter? Arrange a zoom meeting? Draw them a picture? If you see a friend from a far could you both do a silly dance to make each other smile?
Have a think about who you are missing and how you will show them that you care while we can’t hug.

The science of baking a cake!
This is an activity to complete with your grown ups.
Have you ever noticed that baking a cake is a bit like magic? You start off with lots of different individual ingredients then you mix them together and they create a liquid then you bake the cake and it becomes a solid.
Can you explain to your grown up what you think a liquid and a solid is? Do liquids and solid behave in different ways? What makes them special?
If you are not sure then why not try baking a cake to see the liquid batter and solid cake for yourself. Make sure you look out for the properties of each.

Here is a recipe for a Victoria sponge cake but you can use any recipe you like:
4 free-range eggs
225g caster sugar
225g self raising flour
2tsp baking powder
225g butter

Mix the ingredients together to form your liquid batter. What do you notice about the way it behaves?
Once you have made some observations divide the batter between two 8 inch cake tins and bake at 180c for 20-25 mins.
Once your grown up has taken the cakes out of the oven and they have cooled you will notice that they have changed into a solid. How do these solids behave in comparison to the liquids before?

If you want to find out more then here is a video explaining the magic behind baking a cake:

Challenge 1 – Makaton Song – London 1666
This week we would like you to learn a song all about the Great Fire of London. As Archibald First School is a Makaton school we have found a video that also shows you the signs to the song. Have a go to see if you can learn the tune, words and signs! That is a lot to do in one lesson so we will come back to it throughout the topic!

Challenge 2 – Water Xylophone!
This is a challenge to do with your grown ups
One of the most important areas of our music lessons it pitch. The word pitch means whether a note is high or low. We would like you to investigate this by making a water xylophone.
to do this you will need:
Lots of different glass bottles or cups that are the same size.
Food colouring (optional)
a beater to tap the glasses with

How it works:
Fill each glass or bottle with a different amount of water (you can colour the water different colours if you wish). Now gently tap each glass or bottle with your beater.
What do you notice? Are all of the glasses producing the same sound? How are the sounds different?
In each glass you have created a different note that makes a different sound. What do you notice about the amount of water in the glass and the sound that is made when you tap that glass?
Why do you think this is happening?

Fabulous FriYAY

(spelling, punctuation and grammar)
This week we are going to recap suffixes beginning with the -ly suffix. BBC Bitesize has a video and some activities for you to have a go at completing which can be found here:
(you can also complete the curly caterpillar exercise if you wish)

Once you have watched the video and completed the activities have a go at this worksheet:

Friday is maths challenge day. The maths challenge is provided by BBC Bitesize.
Here is a link to the Friday challenge:

Extra Numeracy Challenge
True or False?
5 x 4 = 4 x 5
5 x 4 = 10 x 2
5 x 4 = 2 x 10
Explain your reasoning
What do you notice?

Today we would like you to look at the ‘W’ words. These may seem like simple words but children get them confused. Especially as some of these words have a silent ‘h’ and some do not.
Here is a list of the words that we would like you to practise today:

Like on Monday, get creative with how you practise these; scrabble tiles? drawing in the sand? shaving form? The choice is yours.

This half term we will be learning all about Islam.
In today’s lesson we will be looking at the story of Muhammad.
The prophet Muhammad was the founder of the religion of Islam. Followers of Islam, called Muslims, believe that Muhammad received messages from Allah (God). These messages were later collected into the Koran, the holy book of Islam.
Find out more here:

Now that you have learnt a little bit more about Muhammad and Islam we would like you to have a go at completing this sheet by filling in the missing words:

This half term we were supposed to be taking part in a skipping festival with other year 2 children from all of the other Gosforth first schools. It is a shame that the festival is no longer taking place but that will not stop us from having fun and learning lots of new skipping skills!

This week we would just like you to practise skipping in any way you like. If you are new to skipping it can take a while to get the hang of it. Here is a video to help you get started:

Next week we will start posting demonstrations of each of the jumps that we would have been learning in school. We will post one a week for you to practise. Happy Skipping!

We hope you all have a fabulous week filled with happiness, fun and laughter. Keep working hard and keep being as polite and helpful around the house as you always are at school.
Missing you all lots,
Love from Miss. Pearson, Mrs. Mullick, Mrs. Patrick, Mrs. Tadbeer and Miss. Gowland