Etwinning by Vihra and Mrs Linfoot


The piece in the Journal was talking about the visit to Gelsenkirchen in Germany in February half term to visit our partner school. We now have partners in Spain and Poland as well and we all communicate by a safe platform called E twinning organised by the British Council. A group of Year 4 pupils exchange messages weekly with Spanish, Polish and German pupils. We are hoping to work together on joint projects and improve our ICT skills.

Mrs J. Linfoot


I was in the newspaper because I am in Etwinning. I was the only child of all the Etwinners in the newspaper because I was in a different part of the ICT Suite from all the other Etwinners. I was really happy when I found out that I was in the newspaper because it was my first time in the newspaper.What it feels like to be in the newspaper is the feeling of publicity.-Vihra


Newcastle Journal_26-04-2016_1ST_p25