Edible Structures – WOW WOW WOW!!!


There is little to say except WOW and WELL DONE! The entries are tremendous and to judge them will be a very difficult task. We hope that you had great fun making these and that you enjoy dismantling them when they come home.

IMG_0480 IMG_0479 IMG_0477 IMG_0476 IMG_0475 IMG_0474 IMG_0473 IMG_0472 IMG_0471 IMG_0462 IMG_0463 IMG_0464 IMG_0465 IMG_0466 IMG_0467 IMG_0468 IMG_0469 IMG_0470 IMG_0461 IMG_0460 IMG_0459 IMG_0458 IMG_0457 IMG_0456 IMG_0455 IMG_0454 IMG_0453 IMG_0444 IMG_0445 IMG_0446 IMG_0447 IMG_0448 IMG_0449 IMG_0450 IMG_0451 IMG_0452 IMG_0443 IMG_0442 IMG_0441 IMG_0440 IMG_0439 IMG_0438 IMG_0437 IMG_0436 IMG_0435 IMG_0434 IMG_0424 IMG_0415 IMG_0414 IMG_0423 IMG_0433 IMG_0432 IMG_0422 IMG_0413 IMG_0412 IMG_0421 IMG_0431 IMG_0430 IMG_0420 IMG_0410 IMG_0409 IMG_0419 IMG_0429 IMG_0427 IMG_0418 IMG_0408 IMG_0407 IMG_0417 IMG_0426 IMG_0425 IMG_0416 IMG_0405 IMG_0404 IMG_0403 IMG_0402 ChocolateBIg Ben