Dance Challenge


Please read the following information from Newcastle PE Sport Service for all children who were due to take part in today’s Dance Festival.

In light of the Dance Festival not taking place, our Dance Specialist Beth has put together a Dance Challenge.  She has broken a dance routine down into bite size pieces which children at home or at school can learn over the week and then perform on Friday.  

Through YouTube we are promoting and sharing the 4 separate segments.  Children can learn and practice each part of the dance like they would have done at school in preparation for the Dance Festival.  

Day 1 Dance Routine – Calling all children and grown-ups. Want to learn a new dance routine? This is Day 1, learn and practice at home or at school.

Day 2 Dance Routine –
Day 3 Dance Routine –
Day 4 Dance Routine –
Day 5 – We will be encouraging children to perform the Dance to their families, perhaps film and share via social media, like many of the children have been doing during this time.