Creating our own ibooks- Class 4 and Class 10


On Wednesday Class 4 and Class 10 had an exciting visitor- Julian from GEM Education. Julian is a Primary IT consultant who works with the teacher and the children to help us become computing experts.

We are lucky to have 16 iPads at school and Julian came in to work with the classes to  teach us how to create our very own ibook on the iPads.

In Class 4 we worked with Julian to create an ibook in pairs all about our topic- Food.

We all opened the app bookcreator.

The children were taught how to add a picture to their front cover and then we added a title.

We added a picture and a title can you solve our quiz?      My front cover

We all added a new page, then add a picture of chips from the camera roll to our left hand page. We added audio to ask the reader “Where do chips come from?” We did this by recording each other speaking using the iPad microphone.

We then added three pictures of food that chips could be made from. One was the correct answer, potatoes, and two were pictures to trick the reader such as a pig or a chicken. We then added audio to each picture to tell the reader ‘yes, they come from potatoes’ or ‘no, that’s the wrong answer’ if they clicked on the wrong picture.


“I want to get this on my iPad at home”- Theo

“I liked recording my voice best”- Libby

“I think it is easy now to make a book, I really liked doing it” – Emma



The children were all fantastic and all created a brilliant book that we put in our iBook library on the iPads. We were even able to change the size of the pictures and some of us managed to change the colour of the pages.


In Class 10 the children also created an iBook on book creator. Their books were all about the Ancient Egyptians. The children added pictures and text to their books but also managed to add hyperlinks to different pages.

We made a front cover we added audio to tell the reader facts We made a contents page you can listen to our facts

We were so proud of the children; they worked so hard and created such fantastic books! The teachers then used the books after school during their training with Julian. Book creator was fantastic and I am sure we will all be using it during our future topics! Look our for our very own Archibald iBook library or the books appearing on our YouTube channel…

Thank you Julian, we look forward to seeing you again when you kindly come back to work with some more classes to teach us new skills.