

Year 2 had a special lesson on Friday. It wasn’t numeracy and it wasn’t maths…it was Christ-maths! Mr Whitfield showed us some tricks with maths. First he had some cards which he shuffled and then handed them out. Theo R got all the aces, Josh got all the twos, Emily got all the threes and Dulcie got all the fours!



Next Django helped with a dice trick. He put them on top of each other like a tower and Mr Whitfield could say what the numbers of the sides in tower added up to even though he couldn’t see them.



We used 2D shapes to make a Christmas scene with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. Finally we even had time for a story about a grumpy and frustrated innkeeper who kept getting disturbed from his beauty sleep. Don’t worry because the story had a happy ending! At the end we even got some treats…

